Lubomir Husar: We have four churches - is a divided church

In Ukraine there are four churches - is a divided church. Lubomyr (Husar). Photo: Roman Baluk / ZIK This in an interview ’ S TSN said Archbishop Emeritus of Church Lubomyr Husar. &Laquo; In recent times it has become a very important issue, because a Kharkiv-Poltavarhiyeparhiya Autocephalous Orthodox Church, the bishop of which is the Bishop Ihor (Isichenko), a very, I would say, a formal meeting decided to ask our Patriarch Sviatoslav and the Synod of Bishops on some solutions ’ communication, where between members of the Archdiocese and the Greek Catholics would be Eucharistic and administrative unity & raquo ;, – rabiesAB said. According to Bishop Husar, 1000 years ago from the time of Prince Vladimir was one church. &Laquo; For thousands of years, we « managed » share. This process of separation – complex, which had various aspects, facts. Scientists and historians should it seek better and more roses ’ explained. In any case, we opynylys situation in the divided church. No four churches – is a divided church. This division occurred not once. It has a depth why people shared. We know that was a lot of encouragement from various external, political and other factors that encourage people not to company and share. It is a long-long process & raquo ;, – Metropolitan said.he added, the faithful are in a situation of de facto division. &Laquo; What do we lack? First, we have to understand and not to disperse the political and social benefits that would be after about ’ unification. If returned to the original church unity, the whole state and society benefited enormously. This is true, but it is not the reason. Our reason – God's will that Mr.ovynna be one church. But the separation of faith should not be. Our ultimate motivation to about ’ unity is to be religious, not political or other. This will happen if it is spiritual unity. But what we lack? We lack the desire, the desire for unity. You know, unity – from God. Unity – it's not that people sat down and agreed pidpysavshy a document. Unity Church – God's gift. God is willing to give it to us because He created us so. But we must be open to accept this unity. The openness of the heart depends on the strength of our desire. I think the first task of all of us, and Catholics and Orthodox, to awaken in people the desire unity. If we seek unity, then, singlth part, open themselves to God's favor, on the other, and God's grace we will act. So the desire to be Konecny ??& raquo ;, – he said. Told
