In the Rivne region rescuers together with the police and social services had a preventive and explanatory work among the unemployed population

employees on July 28th Main Directorate DSNS in Rivne region in cooperation with the police, the district center of social services for seven ’ her children and young people and representatives organiva local government district Demidov held rozyasnyuvalnu preventive work among the unemployed population these settlements - Hrinnyky, waterfront, bald head. Overall « raid group » visited more than 100 homes, which are home to nearly 500 people. Employees of the State Service of the National Assembly told residents in a residential fire statistics setional region and district, their causes and course of action during emergencies. Particular attention is paid to the rescuers to the basic rules of fire safety during the summer. The children were held Rose ’ yasnyuvalni conversations to prevent mischief with fire and flammable objects. Also the raid citizens gotleaflets tray ’ explanation on the rules of safe behavior and telephone numbers of emergency services. &Laquo; Conducting systematic information-Rose ’ yasnyuvalnoyi work among the residents – is one of the priorities of our service, but people have city ’ favorites that they are able to protect property, lives, their health ’ me and people close to them and to the rules of fire safety in the home are an ’ capacious factor in their personal safety & raquo ;, - said the head of the investigation and prevention of fires TSZD PG DSNS in Rivne Lt. civil protection Klimuk Alexander. PG DSNS in Rivne region
