Ternopil "Krayany regional council calling for the vote and announce new union elections"

This emphasizes the first deputy chairman of the Regional Council Sergey Tarashevskyy, referring to colleagues: Dear deputies! From the timely adoption of the draft long-term plan of forming community areas Ternopil region depends forming substrates communities and the holding of elections under the new law. This has actually tomorrow. So from us to you, dear MPs, depends on how the reform moves as develop community. One million of our region expects the adoption of much-needed solutions for the region. Despite the fact that at the previous plenary session adopted amendments to the BudgetJet, the money allocated for road repair, use Environment Facility effectively blocked, as there is no decision on the allocation of session between administrators. Equally important is to Ternopil approval of a plan of implementation in the years 2015-2017 Ternopil Oblast Development Strategy for the period until 2020, because of his blockingwill entail significant financial losses for the region. So remember: According to the order of use in 2015 of the State Regional Development Fund, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 18.03.2015 195, directing the State Treasury Service of Ukraine budget funds in the amount 101.5 mln. Provided region42 financing facilities will be after the development and approval of the State Administration Regional Council areas forming long-term plan, pursuant to the Law of Ukraine "On voluntary association of communities." Dear colleagues! Our cadence coming to an end, so now we have a particularly acute sense vidpovidalnisTh before our voters. Follow our parliamentary duty - Take active part as July 30 in the fourth plenary meeting of the 52 session of the Ternopil regional council, make a decision that will have fundamental importance for the future of the area! The community expects from all of us, members of the Board of Ternopil, real steps. This was reported in the pres service of the Ternopil regional council

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/