Report Mayor Sergei Gave for completed repairs in Ternopil

a week for the fourth consecutive year overhaul is a priority of the Ternopil City Council. While work continues on many about ’ yektah: the local area, mizhkvartalnyh driveways, roads, sidewalks, boulevards and skveRahim and other about ’ yektah improvement. Local area: Work continues: * St. Factory 3 * St. Factory 5 * St. Vishnevetskogo 3 * St. Kiev, 10 * St. Morozenko 1 Works: * St. Cossack, 7 * Pr. Unification, 39 * Blvd. D.Galytskogo 4 Work continues in repair playgrounds: * St. P. Eaglesca, 4, 5 * Blvd. D.Galytskogo 28 Continue work on overhaul mizhkvartalnyh passages at: * St. M. Verbitsky, 4 – st. E. Konovalets * St. Karpenko, 22a * St. Morozenko – bul. D.Vyshnevetskoho Major repairs of sidewalks: Completed work: * Str. Lepkoho Psychologist number 27 The works on: * Atroad interchange street. General M. Tarnavskoho – V. Symonenko – W. Grand (near Market « Alaska Ter »). Major repair: Works on: * St. Textile. Continued work on: * St. Zhivov, * Stormwater from the lane of linden diverting rainwater * St. Tantsorova in. Whatrnopoli (from Heroes Square euromaidan to the street. Parashchuk) * St. Shpytalna. Overhaul about ’ objects improvement: Work continues: * Overhaul of boulevard Dmitry Vishnevetskogo, * Reconstruction of the embankment Ternopil pond * Overhaul of boulevard Daniel Galician, * Overhaul of bridges in pairsKu « & raquo ;, Topilche * Overhaul of public transport « Berezil PC » on the street. World, * From raising capital repairs around the Cross in the park. Shevchenko * Overhaul of boulevard Kulish. In Ternopil created an interactive map of the state of repair works in the city (, etc.e Ternopil and ordinary Internet users will be able to see where held in Ternopil repairs as funds from the city budget was spent on about this or that ’ object. It will help Ternopil follow terms of repairs in public spending and quality control of the works. Reported to Ternopilskiy City Council
