Based on management DSNS in Zhytomyr region seminar-meeting on clarifying the requirements of state building codes regarding fire protection systems

In order to exercise proper control over the quality of work and service provision of fire-fighting, July 24, the Office DSNS Ukraine in Zhytomyr region seminar-meeting thatto Rose ’ explanations required by state building codes « Fire Protection Systems & raquo ;. The seminar was attended by heads of enterprises and organizations licensed to perform work of fire-fighting and engaged in the implementation of fire protection systems. - The fire in automation systems equipped in 11015 objects representing 94.7% of the total - said opening the meeting the head of rescue service region Igor Nikitchuk. &Ndash; However, maintenance of fire in the field automatics is 84% ??of the total. Director drew attention to the fact that some systems are worn and are subject to Zamano. Therefore, the meeting discussed issues state of implementation of fire protection requirements for their equipment of buildings and structures, changes in regulations. The president-chairman of the Ukrainian Public Organization “ Ukrainian Union of Fire and Technical Safety ” Boris Platkevych proved more and devel ’ yasnyv requirements of new state building codes V.2.5-56: 2014 « Fire Protection Systems & raquo ;, introduced with effect from 1 July 2015 to replace the previously applicable regulations of 2010. The requirements of these construction standards apply to designing, installing, and maintaining compliance check of serviceability of fireprotection. This includes automatic fire extinguishing systems, fire alarm systems, smoke protection, fire alarm and evacuation management systems, central fire monitoring and dispatching fire protection systems. They are intended for fire protection of buildings or parts of buildings (prymischen), facilities and equipment of various purpose during the new construction, reconstruction and technical re-equipment, repair of facilities, changes in categories of apartments buildings by explosion and fire hazard. The requirements of these construction standards recommended during restoration. They are required ’ compulsory for natural and juridicalydychnyh persons engaged in construction activities in Ukraine, regardless of their form of ownership. 3:00 discussions continued change and about the requirements for equipment ’ fire protection system objects. Summed up the meeting nominated Duty ’ bandages deputy chief of the Office of State Supervision (Control) of the fire,Technological Safety and Civil Protection Alexander Molodkovets. In DSNS in Zhytomyr region
