In Ivano-Frankivsk school improve operational excellence

Jobs lifeguard complex and demanding, it requires personnel in ­ zhezhno rescue in ­ ro ­ zdiliv high Maysa ­ is ­ rnosti, ability to work under psychological and physical Nava ­ ntazhen no room for error and without delay, because ofextreme situations, every second - its weight in gold. And it may depend on saving human life. These abilities and skills are achieved through rigorous training to the actions of each of the rescuers bu ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ly driven to automatism and Th ­ p ­ ­ ­ ­ st ­ va guard acted, as the Accord ­ same ­ ­ ­ tion IU ­ mechanism for. For this purpose there shko ­ la pi ­ d ­ INCREASING operational Mai ­ s ­ ter ­ but ­ sti where fighters operational at the ­ ro ­ zdiliv NAV ­ ARE working in conditions close to real. These classes were held at the Ava ­ riyno rescue group heat ­ ­ a ­ l ­ ­ ­ ing a designation in DSNS EQUIPMENT ­ sti. His professional master ­ ness improved chiefs DPRCH, CHSPP and MAP. Programming ­ frame action consisted of two parts: theoretical and practical. The theoretical part took place in the form of lectures, which studied certain departmental orders, action plan under the threat of Emergencies. Also present virtually perfected their skills regardingprovide medical care to victims in obtaining various injuries and injuries and solution ’ yazuvaly problem on calculation capabilities necessary for fighting fires. The next round of the – PRA ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ktychne working out various actions in case of emergencies – began with a solemn moment. Head in a DSNSRegion Vladimir Chernetskiy presented next special rank « major civil defense » Chief DPRCH 5 m. Tlumach Nazar Lazorko. Then the rescuers made a combined lift the window 4th floor via sliding trykolinnoyi and assault ladders and rescue operation conducted from the upper floors of buildings.In addition, they improved their professional skills and in ­ vychky for extinguishing fires and ovarian cancer ­ that ­ ing people in this smoky ­ re ­ HDZS link ronment. Classes are held at Ba ­ with gas ­ di ­ mozahysnoyi service. ACT ­ beginning of ­ ne were operative ­ inspections APA ­ rativ compressed in ­ wind and related exercisesfi ­ za ­ chnoho load in Teplocom ­ IU ­ cut, then a part of link hazody ­ mo ­ protective services evakuyovuvaly conditional victim of zadym ­ le ­ ing room. Classes ended summing up.
