Measures to legalization of wages vinnichan enlarged budget by 1.8 mln.

According to the Head of State in Vinnytsia region DFS Miroslav Prodan, for the legalization of shadow wages and employment, fiscal service in the region working in several directions. First of all - this is common with representatives of local authorities of hearing Mr.ospodaryuvannya that borhuyut earned the payment. After these 31 conversations debtor or 100.0% of those who held communion with the beginning of the year paid off debt. Due to this, the budget received 221.4 thousand. UAH. income tax for individuals. Do not bypass the attention at those hearings and employers to minimize calculation ofarobitnoyi board employees. In January - June of the reporting year was held individual explanatory work with heads of 304 businesses. As a result, they all raised the level of wages. A budget 256.2 thousand. UAH. received income tax of individuals and 562.6 thousand. UAH. single social contribution.Work with debtors directly with the Revenue Commissioners. During the first half, according to the approved schedule of repayment arrears of wages and income tax for individuals in working groups in the field of STI under the close supervision of tax were 57 entities - debtors. As a result ofSecond, they put out of debt, and the budget received 349.8 thousand. UAH. income tax for individuals. Miroslav Sold adds that the service exceptional attention to legalization of shadow employment. Since the beginning of 2015 at the expense of control and verification and organizational measures to identify employees' activitieswhich is used without documenting employment and proper taxation Vinnichchine found 847 "illegals". As a result, the budget received 473.6 thousand. UAH. tax. So, summing up the work in this direction official notes that through the joint efforts of fiscal services and local authorities and employers nalashtovanym, despite the sometimes difficult economic and financial situation in a constructive dialogue, Vinnitsa region received additional budget of more than 1.8 mln. UAH. PG DFS in Vinnitsa region This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
