For Vinnytsia property paid over 5.8 mln.

The following tax amount to the budget made by taxpayers Vinnytsia region - legal entities. This 1,916 enterprises, institutions and organizations that have declared this year the tax on immovable property other than land. The total amount charged by them for 2015 tax amounted to 16.8 million.USD. During January - June 2015 to the budget of this category of taxpayers already received more than 5.8 million. UAH. tax on real property other than land. It should be noted that in addition to legal entities, payers of this tax are the physical persons, ie citizens, owners of real estate. Currently, DFS departments in Vinnytsia region Categoriesadislano 1,140 notices to about 1.2 mlnh. USD. Then, within 60 calendar days of receipt of the notification solution, a homeowner is required to transfer the amount of tax mentioned in the notification information. Recall Law of Ukraine of 12.28.2014 p. 71-VIII "On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and some of theakonodavchyh Acts of Ukraine on tax reform "made changes in taxation of real property other than land, entered into force on 1 January 2015. In particular, expanded tax base, by placing a property tax on residential and nonresidential real estate. But be that tax rates orsize of benefits, solve local governments. PG DFS in Vinnitsa region This was reported in the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
