Ternopil region: a day 2 times rescuers were involved in extinguishing the fires of dry grass

on July 21 at 15:43 to operational dispatch management services received information about a fire of dry grass in open territory in the village of B. Berezhtsi, Kremenets district. The fire destroyed the dry grass in the area of ??0,003 hectares. The likely cause of the fire – careless handling of fire by burning garbage. The fire was extinguished guard duty 5 th state of the Fire and Rescue Department. On the same day at 17:18 in the village Bilivtsi, Borschiv district stacks of straw on fire in the garden. The fire destroyed two stacks of straw, a total area of ??approximately 40 sq. M. The cause of pozheZhi and is under investigation. Fire was extinguished by the local fire guard duty team Mel'nytsia village - Podolsky.

Source: http://artlife.rv.ua/