In the Rivne region received training in the aftermath of defeat animal virus African swine

21 June at the training ground rescue special unit of the Directorate DSNS Ukraine in Rivne region held joint training lifeguards and staff management of veterinary medicine in the Rivne region of likvidatsiyi conditional emergency, floor ’ connected with mass death of pigs infected with African swine virus. The aim of the exercise was to improve the organization of joint actions in emergency situations and response in the cells of biological contamination, improving practical individual and group skills inoutbreak of African swine fever. During training have been worked out practical steps for collection and disposal of infected animals. Vidpratsyuvalys action on special and sanitization of personnel involved in the works. Following the disposal of dead pigs by conventional combustion in a certain place, rescuers provDo special treatment areas. After the practical training phase, participants watched an educational film about African swine virus to reinforce practical knowledge and skills. According to head of the Department of Emergency Response Main Department DSNS Ukraine in Rivne region, Colonel Civilth Sergey Pavlovsky protection, joint training is successful, the goal of training reached, subsections departments received practical skills on implementation of anti-epizootic and quarantine measures in the hearth of emergency. PG DSNS Ukraine in Rivne region
