Prevention of pustular skin diseases in the modern army

World of translation : Medicine
, 19:32
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Pustular disease or piodermatozs (pyoderma, piozy) – large group of infectious skin lesions, united by a common mechanism for the development. By the development of infectious and inflammatory process in the skin causes a combination of several reasons.

Reasons for causing skin vosspalenie:

  1. The presence of the entrance gate of infection, which ised microcracks skin, abrasions, scrapes, blisters, splinters;
  2. Reduced resistance of the human body due to the state of immune deficiency, malnutrition, vitamin deficiency, alcoholism, impaired temperature conditions, chronic intoxication, chronic fatigue, goiter,increased insolation;
  3. The presence of the pathogen. Skin contamination by dust particles, humidity, violation of sanitary standards.

There are also factors that trigger skin diseases, the importance of which is in a passage is urgenttion services is large enough.

These factors include:

  1. depressed or excited emotional state recruits due to a stressful situation abrupt change of lifestyle;
  2. Possible climate change;
  3. Changesie diet and nutrition;
  4. Increased physical and mental stress;
  5. Change of sleep and rest.

The Ministry of Defence prevention of pyoderma received much attention due to the high probability of complications and decrease boesposobnosti personnel.
Given the need to address the various risk factors for disease prevention measures pustular skin diseases is divided into three main groups.

Measures aimed at preserving the integrity of the skin

  • In order to prevent chronic microtrauma, worn during physical activity uniforms for military personnel selected by size. All sets of clothes should not be tight, have rough seams, injuring the skin while driving. Shoes are also selected according to size and used strictly unseasonably;
  • Small abrasions, scratches and other damage to the skin necessarily treated with antiseptic solutions;
  • Personal hygiene should be kept up to date. Toothbrushes applicable personnel must be moderately soft, does not injure the gums. Razor blade surfedditch must be replaced regularly. Shaving blunted blade traumatize the skin, cleans the protective layer of the epidermis, violates the composition of the microflora.

Measures that increase the resistance of the immune system


The rules of military power, certain orders of the Ministry of Defence, developmAna subject to the terms of service (Navy, highlands, general military ration). Diet personnel formed in accordance with the needs of the organism. Dishes of meat and fish provide the necessary for the formation of muscle mass and energy replenishment amount of protein. Grains, cereals, butter, eggsand contain vitamins B, E, which stimulate the immune system and increase the regenerative ability of the skin. Vegetables in the diet troops are rich in fiber, they help remove toxins from the intestines, the decay products, hinder the development of dysbiosis. Complete meals in a military unit, despite its apparent nEase helps reduce the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases and to support the immune system.


Increases the resistance of the immune system, supports the protective function of the epidermis. Hardening soldiers includes: daily classes fPhysically preparing outdoors, pouring or rubbing torso ice water, rinse mouth and throat with cool water. In winter, cross-country skiing are added, the implementation of the daily chores without clothing. Summer hardening complemented sunbathing, swimming in open water. Tanned skin, prefkshaya to sudden changes in temperature, less susceptible to the development of pustular diseases .


Sports, military drill and strengthen muscular frame, improve blood circulation, raise the general tone, increase the adaptabilityall organs and systems.


Every soldier is provided daily vitamin complex « Geksavit & raquo ;. Retinol, which is part of the complex, promotes the synthesis of epidermal cells, increases zazhivlyaemost microcracks and abrasions. Ascorbic acid is involved in the regeneration ofmucous membranes and skin, helps fight infectious agents. Riboflavin normal bacterial support medium in the intestine. Pyridoxine enhances the adaptive capacity of the nervous system. Diet supplemented with vitamin drinks soldiers based on fruit blends.

Measures to comply with sanitary norms


Daily wet, airing barracks can reduce the likelihood of colds and suppurative diseases . Once a month is carried out general cleaning and drying of ventilation with mattresses, blankets and pillows.


Adherence to personal hygiene military plays an important role in the prevention of pyoderma. Bath for personnel should be conducted at least once a week. For bakers and kitchen workers provides a daily shower. Mechanics, repairmen, drivers use the shower if necessary. All military personnel are provided with soap, washcloths, after undergoing the use of disinfection. Electric shavers, toothbrushes, towels must be strictly individual. Wash your hands as often as possible and always with soap and water: after using the toilet, any chores before meals. Fashion require daily cleaning anddry.


The modern military uniforms sewn from special mixed fabrics, highly permeable to air, easy to clean, do not violate the thermoregulation of the body treated with dust, mud, water-repellent coating. Uniforms of the new sample « Concept& Raquo ;, which must be received at all military units until 2015, designed to meet the preventive measures to prevent colds and pustular diseases . Lightweight underwear made of polyester wicks moisture well, air permeability, retains heat well, has no rigid jointsDo not rub the skin. Bath and laundry facilities on the territory of military units capable of washing uniforms, linens, underwear and bed linen. Organize disinfection, deodorization, disinfection of clothing. Change of underwear and bed linen takes place in the bath day.

The above prevention pustulesO diseases in the Russian army should be applied universally. Supervision of the observance of sanitary-epidemic norms in military units and defense facilities are organized and controlled by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of Ministry of Defence.

Author: World of translation
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