Japanese language: What you need to know the interpreter?


the Japanese language is characterized by the presence of a developed system greetings, melodious accents, a huge number of dialects spoken language and the widespread use of all kinds of formal appeals. A relatively simple grammatical structure of the various speech structures significantly complicates the very frequent omission of the verb, which in turn requires from the interpreter a clear understanding of the context passed to them. Therefore, to entrust the translation from and into Japanese language we need only to professionals. By the way, a professional translation from Russian to Japanese can be enjoyed at online translation Agency

the Japanese language: the Dialectical features

the Presence of various dialects is due to the island nature of the country. The most common dialect is Tokyo. The difference in musical accent, mutual borrowing of lexical rules, as well as the use of many abbreviations make translation to and from Japanese is quite time consuming.

writing System

generally Accepted in Japan are the following 4 types of writing:

  • a system of signs Romaji, which are used for transliteration of the Cyrillic alphabet;
  • hieroglyphic type of writing Kanji, which is used to write words and their bases;
  • syllabary Katakana, which is used for the transmission of loan words;
  • syllabary Hiragana, which is used to specify the suffix and the grammatical particles absent from hieroglyphic writing.

Other style

when translating to / from Japanese, it is very important to consider the following grammatical, lexical and syntactic features of this language:

  1. the use of formal appeals;
  2. the lack of international vocabulary, as well as almost 100% of the change in the phonetics of borrowed words;
  3. gender differences in speech, the use of a system of degrees of politeness;
  4. there are many metaphors, Proverbs and sayings;
  5. no spaces between words, Polovtsova recording, writing characters from right to left, and recording non-standard punctuation.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate": translate.yandex.ru.

Author: World of translation
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