Seminars on public procurement: the proposed topics and venue


In modern times, many companies and organizations often face financial constraints and are unable to timely replenish the reserves of goods and materials. Unfortunately, it is not possible to earn any additional money in the procurement Department. In connection with the presence of these and other no less important matters relative to public procurement the great popularity and demand specialized training .

it Should be noted that similar lessons can be learn how to release working capital funds from reserves and again put them into circulation, bringing such actions to the firm additional revenue. Moreover, it is possible to obtain peculiar algorithm in a sequence of stages on the organization of the management system regarding purchases, aimed at lowering costs, ensuring and increasing the level of income per ruble of current financial resources. In addition to these issues the workshops addressed the number of other no less important tasks.

the Main purpose of such seminars is to review and provide solutions to the most difficult and intricate questions concerning public procurement, and also in consideration of new laws in this direction. So, the Institute of development of modern educational technology offers potential trainees the right to select the most appropriate and interesting of the workshop on public procurement of the following list of topics: Procurement agencies of the public sector: practice of application of new standards , New procurement rules , Procurement construction, design and survey works , the New rules of defence procurement, and many others. More detailed information on the proposed Iratom seminars on public procurement is available on the official website of the Institute.

it Should be noted that hosted by irsot organizes and conducts various seminars, training courses, business trainings, retraining and many other and other spheres of life. For example, there is a wide range of topics of seminars on taxation, accounting, courses for lawyers, etc. All offer classes and workshops are held at a high professional level, as the training is conducted by highly qualified and experienced teachers practitioners from different fields of activity.

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