Aliexpress is the first step in the development of the shopping from China without intermediaries!

World of translation : Internet
, 01:59

have been planning to write this post. Once I met with a paid manual on procurement of goods from Chinese shops. Somehow the author of this information products openly ignored by aliexpress. Actually I started with buying goods from China directly through Aliexpress and would recommend to others. The prices are good, in Ukraine present, product quality level and most importantly - very easy to purchase a lot even without knowledge of English! Today I will write about it.

Suggest to start to go to the website: and in parallel to implement the recommendations in this publication.


Aliexpress first acquaintance!

first you need to register. You can skip this step if you have an account in social networks Facebook or Vkontakte. That's what I did. Pressed the button "Sign in with Facebook" and a few seconds was already registered on Aliexpress.

After registration, I recommend going on the website and compare the prices of different goods from local shops. I get on average cheaper in two-three times to buy in China. The only downside of these purchases is delivery. Sometimes you have to wait about a month.


product Search on aliexpress

Although the site is Russian language, but you to search the goods you need in English! When You are already familiar with the interface aliexpress and found interesting products to buy - you can start filling in the questionnaire. To do this, go to AliExpress click My bottom left will be a list of Shortcuts. There choose a Shipping Address. If You don't have such a reference, then you can find it clicking on: My AliExpress - Transactions - Manage Orders - Shipping Address.

Who does not understand English very well - can install google chrome. It has an automatic translation. Although it is desirable to be friends with the English in case of conflicts with sellers to resolve them in their favor.

So back to the form fill in the shipping address. This is a very important stage. The parcel could not be reached if the address is not correct.


Fill in delivery form

I'll tell you how I have filled in this form and I for several years successfully receive packages:

  • Contact Name here, I have entered the name and surname in English as I have written in the passport;
  • Country / Region: Ukraine unless of course shipping to Ukraine;
  • Street Address: street, house number, apartment number (also filled with Latin transliteration);
  • City: city
  • State / Province / County: area;
  • ZIP / Postal Code: postal code (here I pointed out the main postcode of the city);
  • Tel / Mobile: provide your mobile number in international format...380

it is Also possible to register multiple shipping addresses. This is quite beneficial when You want to order a lot of goods, but to pay a fee of no desire.

AliExpress Often give gift vouchers, which have a period and terms of use.

When buying the product, I calculated the visa card online. To make a purchase, we need: card number, CV code, card validity and Cardholder Name (it can be found in the customer service of the Bank).

As on other trading platforms, special attention should be paid to the seller rating. It is better not to settle for cheap offers sellers with questionable rating.

you also Need to pay attention to the shipping cost. Many lots have free shipping, which is included in the price of the product itself.

Translated by "Yandex.Translate":

Author: World of translation
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