How to get education in Europe


In the beginning of the last century, the level of educationmost of the world's population was extremely low, lacking even basic secondary education . But even then, the simple and narrow-minded people with no education knew that he was the future and tried every way possible to education your children. Log fileLinda here is pretty simple and concise - if you have a education , appropriate training, so you can do things that will bring real income, stepping down in such a way from the constant exhausting work.

Today, a full-fledged, including higher education is a priority for any state, because only in this case, he sees the overall development potential. But with all the existing and new state conditions for such education, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the educationof in our country is actually detached from actual production. Moreover, the level of education does not meet the current challenges in most cases, and it forces students to look for opportunities to receive education in another country, for example, in one of the European. < / p>

If you really consider the high level of training and compliance with modern requirements, diplomas European universities can become a good pass to the world of contracts in the same Europe and at home. Diploma of the European model, in contrast to domestic truly appreciated all over the world, and therefore vysokoop-paying job will be easier to find, and the field for a successful search will expand significantly. Today is quite affordable for a large number of foreigners.

Features of education in Europe

Each EU country has its own traditions and systems of education, both secondary and higher education. It should be said,that in them is always a place for job seekers this very education from abroad. In most cases, the main stumbling block on the way to education in Europe is an adequate level of foreign language skills. This, first of all, helps to quickly adapt to the educational and social environment, and secondly - to rely on the definitionlennye preferences in the process of learning, such as scholarships, discounts on accommodation, etc. Here are some things you need to know to choose the country for education:

  1. Czech. Here education can be obtained free of charge, but with the condition of the knowledge of the Czech language (of course, comeIt is to take the certifying examination). Accommodation will have to pay on their own.
  2. Poland. There is also the opportunity to study for free, both on the Polish and English languages.
  3. Germany. In addition to language skills, free education is possible in the case of passing the preparatory year courses. For everything else, including the bThe Library and gyms will have to pay, and the universities themselves strictly keep records of your expenses.
  4. France. It enshrined in law the right of foreigners to free education under certain conditions, in particular, knowledge of French. In the future, all will have to pay the same fees that are borne by the Frenchcal students and for housing will also have to pay out of pocket.

Author: World of translation
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