Garden in the Japanese style

World of translation : Art
, 17:08

Garden in the Japanese style

Japanese people from ancient times, have a perfect awareness and understanding of beauty of the surrounding world, which reflected in the unique style of garden design.   Japanese garden represents the total dilution in nature and harmony with the environment. It is impossible to separate garden design from the canons of Japanese philosophy, which associates the concept of beauty with a sense of melancholy charm and sweet sadness.

Garden in the Japanese styleThe Japanese are well aware that much can not be expressed in words, but instead they know effective technique of a hint, that can be understood in different ways, as someone like that. These principles, which are alien to the rational minds of Europeans accustomed to build all of the concepts in a coherent system of symbols - are the basis of Japanese culture, including garden art. Instead of a rational approach Japanese designers use the concept of enlightenment, illumination, intuition, emotions and feeling are dominated here.

Garden in the Japanese styleJapanese aesthetics, born on the basis of a long contemplation of the charm of pristine nature, maximally  harmoniously is expressed precisely in garden design . The painter operates not so much a shape, color or sound, how primary elements that underlie all the material on our planet - earth, wood, water. And also fire and metal.

Garden in the Japanese styleCulture of Japan rejects excessive luxury and gigantism, pretentiousness and showiness. There is no place for kaleidoscope of bright colors in the Japanese garden, as well as there are no lush vegetation here. And yet it is impossible to imagine a more harmonious composition, in which nothing is secondary. Japanese designers create amazing landscapes consisting of separate main elements, which somehow do not contradict each other, and organically form a unique landscape filled with hidden meaning.

Garden in the Japanese styleLattice gates and fences are not just divide the space into zones and represent a gradual transition from one mental state to another. Another interesting element of Japanese garden is tsukubai - a small ritual bath, decorated with hieroglyphs.  In the past tsukubai was indispensable attribute of the tea ceremony, and today it performs rather decorative function. However, will we ever understand the thoughts of this wonderful nation? 

Garden in the Japanese styleStone lantern is mandatory element of Japanese-style garden, which is used to illuminate the most important part of the landscape. Lantern can be set at the fork and at the turning lane, on shore of pond, at the roots of a tree or in the  most  shady corner of the garden. And today Japanese designers do not hurry to conduct electricity to the lantern, arguing that its quite enough a flickering light of a simple candle for contemplation.

Garden in the Japanese stylePagoda - a tiered tower constructed of various materials, symbolizes the principle of cyclic, which underlies the philosophical vision of the development process, which takes place in a spiral. Stones - the secret of Japanese art which always rushing Europeans can not master. The entire Japanese garden can consist, for example, of fifteen stones, one of which, from any point of view, will be hidden from the visitor's view by other stones

Garden in the Japanese styleAnd finally, a Japanese-style garden may consist of only a single tree. But what tree! Amazing and unique Japanese garden can be so tiny, that even a child would be able to pass it in a few steps, but while stepping, he would feel himself a real Gulliver, who visited Lilliput. Another ancient secret of the Japanese masters are dwarf bonsai trees. That's really no wonder that they belong to the real wonders of garden in the Japanese style and attract the attention of all gardeners of the world.

Video: "Japanese Gardens"

Video: "Small Japanese Garden"

Author: World of translation
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