Mental Health

World of translation : Psychology
, 17:58

Health is not only physical, that is, the lack ofany actual disease in humans. Spiritual or psychic world of man is also subject to violations and serious illness. Because the mind is responsible for the adequacy of the adoption of certain decisions, it makes sense to speak of such a thing as mental health. Speaking exclusively scientific terms, then, the term "" need toNima state of the organism (its mental component), in which there is no way limited the possibility of implementing their own human potential, productive, easy to carry the usual stressful situations. On this basis, and given the fact that the mind is, in principle, not material to the end and boundless conceptare the following   basic indicators (state evaluation criteria), which can be, anyway, to judge the state of the human psyche:

  • a sense of continuity, so to speak, the synchronization of the physical and mental state;
  • evaluation of similarity (identity) actionAction and states in similar situations;
  • self-criticism;
  • feeling compliance mental reactions to external stimuli (value);
  • the ability to control their own actions in accordance with the situation and the norms of societyand;
  • the ability to conduct systematic life activities, the implementation of the plans;
  • ability to respond flexibly to changing situations.

Prevention and treatment of various manifestations of mental disorders and abnormalities in withTERM world is very relevant, because of the increased number of stressors. Openness and progress of society has a downside - a huge mental stress and, as a consequence, the fall of mental health. Recovery, rehabilitation and re-socialization are important tasks of modern psychiatry.

According to the materials Clinic « Mental Health »

Author: World of translation
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