What is a bread maker


Bread around the head. Phrase that everyone knows. This is one of the most important foods in any kitchen, but alsoand an integral part of the culture of many peoples, especially the Slavs. He has a special place in the human mind, in many rituals and therefore the process of baking bread are particularly careful and meticulous. Freshly baked bread has not only beneficial properties, but also stunning, mesmerizing aroma and taste. Probably, many remember with detstva aroma of fresh bread from the oven somewhere with my grandmother in the village. This is not forgotten and the more contrast against the background of a modern bakery products. Bread, which is sold in the store is not of this quality as a home - blame the rapid growth of production, saving time, ingredients, tools. That is why recently inBehold much more popular innovations of scientific and technical progress in the field pekarstva -. This home is a compact device for automated baking pan bread (from the dough to the baking of the finished loaf). The mass of the finished product can range 500 - 2000 g, depending on the model bread machine, of the form xLoeb and the method of its preparation. Since the creation of the first prototype in the late 80s of the twentieth century, the design and functional filling Bread significantly stepped forward and now it's not just minipechka, and a small but multifunctional device that combines a variety of functions:
- a set of programs for baking bread itselfand (differences are combined, duration and intensity of individual operations);
- a set of additional individual programs (kneading, baking, making cakes, jams, etc.);
- a set of software parameters (crust color timer the regulation time), and more.
breadmaker - an indispensable tool for thosex who wants to experience the aroma of fresh homemade bread.

Author: World of translation
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