Turi to Turechchini s Villota s Moscow

World of translation : Countries, Travel
, 09:15

Vsogo in dek³lkoh Godin lotu od nasho¿ stolyci rozkinulasya divovizhna, Headorozhuyuche beautiful Krajina, yak rad³sno rozkrivaº ob³ymi ts³kavomu turistov³! Put³vki to Turechchini s Villota s Moscow - tse mozhliv³st zanuritisya's World in comfort veselosch³v, serv³su i yaskravih vrazhen. End of the I let them sounds corny - then will the truth! Zamoviti tour to turechchini possible on sayt³:.

Potr³bno viznati scho Turi to Turechchini s Moscow, requestuvan³ WHOLE Year, ale p³k populyarnost³, zvichayno Well, pripadaº on l³tn³y per³od.

Regulyarn³ schodenn³ Racey « Aeroflotu » in Istanbul i Antal³yu in season dopovnyuyutsya numerical charters. Tom get here, yak usually not a problem, Especially Yakscho skoristatisya rann³m bronyuvannyam.

Viljofive in Istanbul zd³ysnyuyutsya Schodnya, Year Round, a holy Yea i v³dpustok season bagato charter³v. Vzimku, napriklad, Yea pryam³ av³areysi to Bursa i Erzurum (1 time for Tyzhden). Turetsk³ av³al³n³¿ give mozhliv³st d³statisya practical to whether yakogo great mista kra¿ni.

Hour perelotu var³yuºtsya in the furrows of 2.5-4 Godin, fallow od m³stsya priznachennya. Zitook v³dpochiti in Turechchin³? Axis k³lka korisnih Rejoice!

Zagaln³ Rejoice

Turechchina - Friendly i duzhe seating Krajina, ale all Well Varto pam'yatati gold prisl³v'ya « Pochuvaytesya yak in the home, not zabuvayte ale, scho away & raquo ;. For bagatoh sp³vv³tchiznik³v nastupnitsya Osmansko¿ ²mper³¿ Vzhe was turned sob³&Laquo; l³tno¿ dacheyu & raquo ;, but about v³dpochinok ros³yskih turist³v Catching up vo³stinu fantastichn³ From History. Of I all are, of Namangan not zabut scho:

  • Turechchina - not OOO Russian Federation, yak m³n³mum fact scho dom³nuyucha chastyna population spov³duº ³slam. Hoca end of the I, Mabuchi, one h i nayb³lsh loyal democratically skh³dnih kra¿n, all are notpotr³bno zabuvati representations about shanoblive i mozhlivih rel³g³ynih rozb³zhnostyah. Especially, Yakscho vie vir³shili v³dpochiti in tsentraln³y abo skh³dn³y chastin³ kra¿ni.
  • Do not Varto v³dv³duvati Khrami i pam'yatniki arh³tekturi in short shorts, T-shirts abo without headgear. In turistichn³y zon³ to such outfits v³dnosyatsya in aboutschem- is tolerated, ale rizikuvati not Varto.
  • N³chne Zhittya in Turechchin³ not Mensch active n³zh Denna. Not rekomenduºtsya p³slya sunset Sontsya vihoditi d³vchatam i zh³nkam poodints³ - tse Mauger yak spriymatisya natyak on Bazhannya « suitable & raquo ;. Well before scho zagravan s turetskimi zh³nkami - end of taboo! Sob³ Buda dorozhche.
  • Do not turetsk³y kultur³ priynyato Dovga i right in Divit och³ - tse viklik. Fl³rtuvati s Turks zaradi zhartu TER Varto - garjachego Pivdenna take shelter Mauger Vgoru i tod³ bring shte znayomitisya not t³lki viznachnimi pam'yatkami s and d s pol³ts³ºyu.
  • Ros³yska that angl³yska MTIE to know teritor³¿ b³lshost³ great kurort³v, and from settlements in v³ddalenih for explaining bring zgadati n³metska abo nav³t frantsuzka.
  • Turechchina - v³dnosno bezpechna Krajina, Hoca zlod³ystvo yet I Got Booty Location, Especially in the bazaars i m³stsyah stovpotvor³nnya turist³v, that zavchasno Radim zrobiti kop³¿ dokument³v igrosh³ zber³gati Chastain in r³znih m³stsyah good var³ant - camera zber³gannya Gothel.

Author: World of translation
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